
Every cancer patient should keep an eye out for at least 15 warning signs.

Writer : Dr. Naskan

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, trailing only heart disease in terms of mortality. One should be on the lookout for at least 15 symptoms that indicate the presence of cancer, especially if they persist or worsen over time.

Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of cancer, you should be aware of the various risk factors. Starting with a poor diet and lifestyle, and progressing to heredity.

Recognizing the 15 Most Common Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Knowing the warning signs of cancer can help you catch it early. Here are some of the warning signs of cancer that you need to be aware of:.

  • Alterations to one's speech Oral

Smokers are more likely to develop mouth and tongue cancer, which is characterized by red, gray, or yellow patches. Swelling of the mouth, bleeding from the mouth, and numbness of the mouth and face are all common symptoms of this condition.

  • Assistive swallowing causes discomfort.

When you have a cough or sore throat, swallowing food can be painful. The symptoms of throat or stomach cancer, if accompanied by vomiting or weight loss without effort, in a relatively short period of time, are also similar.

  • Coughing up blood

When a cough is bloody and lasts for more than four weeks, it may be a sign of lung cancer. Weight loss, loss of appetite, and exhaustion are all possible side effects.

  • Heartburn

Ovarian cancer, throat cancer, and stomach cancer can all manifest as persistent, debilitating heartburn that refuses to go away despite treatment.

  • Abdominal bloating

Colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, or ovarian cancer may be diagnosed by a feeling of fullness or constant pressure, as well as vaginal bleeding or significant weight loss.

  • Urinary disturbances

One of the first signs of a more serious illness is the presence of blood in the stool or the bladder for an extended period of time.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome and depression

Depressive symptoms may be a symptom of pancreatic cancer, even though they are extremely rare.

  • Bleeding in the interim between menstruation

After menstruation has ended, or if the bleeding continues for an extended period of time, it could be a sign of endometrial cancer.

  • Testicular morphology

A lump on the male testicle is a common symptom of testicular cancer. Also, the scrotum may become bloated and heavy, and the pain may resemble a stabbing.

  • Pain in certain body parts

In some cases, pain that lasts for a long period of time can be a sign of cancer. Back pain can be a symptom of ovarian cancer, colon cancer, or rectal cancer, among other things. For example, headaches that occur constantly can be a sign of a tumor in the brain.

  • Changes in the skin Skin

Skin changes, redness, hardening or scaling of the skin's surface, the presence of growing moles, or the appearance of suspicious lumps on the skin's surface can all be indicators that cancer is lurking beneath.

  • Changes in the breast

Wrinkled, reddish breast skin resembling an orange peel and reddish in color are among the most common symptoms of breast cancer in both sexes; they are also common in both men and women.

  • Drastic weight loss

Massive weight loss is often the first sign of cancers like pancreatic, gastric and lung. It's easy and quick to lose weight this way.

  • Prolonged fever

The most common initial symptom of leukemia and other blood cancers is a persistent, high fever with no apparent cause.

  • Exhaustion that never fades

Even if you've gotten plenty of sleep, you may still feel exhausted if you have cancer. In fact, exhaustion can be a sign of cancer.

Being aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer can aid doctors in their efforts to detect cancer at an early stage. Detection of cancer at an early stage increases the likelihood of successful treatment.

Although the signs and symptoms listed above are worth keeping an eye out for, it does not follow that if you experience any of them, you have cancer. If these symptoms don't go away or worsen, you should see a doctor. In this way, the doctor will be able to determine the root of the problem and provide you with the appropriate treatment.

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